JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) http://journal.ikipsiliwangi.ac.id/index.php/jler <p class="Apple-converted-space"><strong>JLER</strong> publishes original research or theoretical papers about teaching and learning in<span class="Apple-converted-space"> language education in Indonesia study program of IKIP Siliwangi </span>on current science issues, namely:</p> <ul> <li>Indonesia language and literature educator in elementary, secondary and high school level.</li> <li>Indonesia language and literature observers and researchers.</li> <li>Educational decisions maker on the regional and national level.</li> </ul> <p>We recommend classroom action research, qualitative, descriptive, or quantitative. We may process manuscript of didactic development research (DDR) or research and development (RnD).</p> <p>Our publication could be research on teaching method,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> the </span>experiment<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>of teaching aid or media, and even effectiveness of lesson study. We accepted any manuscript derived from<span class="Apple-converted-space"> the </span>research<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>of language and literature education in Indonesia. We will not process manuscript from research approach of school management. This journal is published three times a year in <strong>January, May, and September.</strong></p> IKIP Siliwangi en-US JLER (Journal of Language Education Research) 2621-0150 Hattie's Visible Learning Evaluation Model in Learning Strategies and Publication of Scientific Work of IKIP Siliwangi Students http://journal.ikipsiliwangi.ac.id/index.php/jler/article/view/21692 <p>This research aims to evaluate the application of the Hattie's Visible Learning Evaluation Model in strategy learning and the publication of scientific work sat IKIP Siliwangi. Using quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods, this research analyze student responses to sixty aspects of assessment that cover various learning elements. The results of the research identified the aspects with the highest and lowest scores from each study program, namely Guidance and Counselling (BK) and Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI). These results provide in-depth insight regarding significant factors in developing effective learning strategies and supporting the publication of student scientific work such as humor, teaching strategies teacher, credibility outdoor/adventure programmes,&nbsp; lecturer effect, lecturer subject matter knowledge, questioning, religious campus, feedback personality, mentoring computer-assisted instruction, lecturer-students relationships, drama/art programs, study skills, extra-curricular programs, dan classroom discussion. Meanwhile, less effective factors are of concern, such as parental involvement, students control over learning, boredom, gender, use of calculators, changing school calendar, lack of sleep, moving between schools, mathematics, drugs, pre-term birth weight, ability grouping, not labeling students, ability grouping for gifted students. The implications of this research finding can be the basis for improving more optimal learning strategies in higher education environments, especially IKIP Siliwangi.</p> Suhud Aryana Dida Firmansyah Ratna Muthia Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 7 1 17 26 10.22460/jler.v7i1.21692 Improve Text Writing Skills Student Poetry using Image Media http://journal.ikipsiliwangi.ac.id/index.php/jler/article/view/21194 <p>This research focuses on the influence of image media on the ability to write poetry texts. In this research, qualitative descriptive research was used. The aim of this research is to find out whether the image media used can help and make it easier for students to improve their poetry text writing skills and see the differences in students' abilities before and after using image media in learning Indonesian. The research target was 20 class VIII students at SMPN 1 Naringgul for the 2021/2022 academic year. This research was carried out using qualitative descriptive research methods. Researchers collected data using test instruments, interviews and observations. In practice, before and after the learning treatment, students are given a pretest and posttest. The results of the research carried out obtained a score for writing poetry texts with an average pretest of 55.4 and posttest of 81.7. The SPSS analysis results show a significance of 0.000&lt;0.05 so that there is a difference between learning outcomes before and after treatment. The research results obtained show that the application of image media in learning to write poetry texts can increase in class VIII junior high school students.</p> Solahudin Teti Sobari Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 7 1 37 43 10.22460/jler.v7i1.21194 Description of Writing Exposition Text Using the Discovery Learning Model Assisted with Media Canva http://journal.ikipsiliwangi.ac.id/index.php/jler/article/view/20470 <p>This study explains the results of students' writing in writing exposition texts. The learning outcomes of these students were divided into two tests as consideration for using the discovery learning model using Canva media, in the first test students carried out learning without using the learning model using Canva media while in the second test students carried out learning using the discovery learning model using Canva media. . This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to show the value of students before and after using the discovery learning model using Canva media. The role of Canva media in learning to write exposition texts is to guide and provoke students to better understand material and use digital media to make learning easier and more efficient. The subjects in this study were 15 class VIII A students at SMP Negeri 3 Cimahi. Acquisition of scores analyzed include the total score of students, the average score of students, analysis of the lowest, middle and highest scores. This study shows the effectiveness of learning to write exposition texts using the discovery learning model using Canva media by obtaining a fairly good average score of 78.5 analysis of lowest, middle and highest scores. This study shows the effectiveness of learning to write exposition texts using the discovery learning model using Canva media by obtaining a fairly good average score of 78.5 analysis of lowest, middle and highest scores. This study shows the effectiveness of learning to write exposition texts using the discovery learning model using Canva media by obtaining a fairly good average score of 78.5.</p> Iis Siti Salamah Azzahra Yunisya Zyan Azhari Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 7 1 9 16 10.22460/jler.v7i1.20470 Enhancing Competence in Writing Best Practices Through the Utilization of the STAR Technique http://journal.ikipsiliwangi.ac.id/index.php/jler/article/view/20452 <p>Writing proficiency is an essential skill imperative for Indonesian language educators, as it underpins their professional development and advancement. This research presents the adaptation of the STAR writing method's structure to facilitate Indonesian language teachers in reflecting on the process and learning outcomes. The present study adopts a descriptive mode of exposition rooted within a qualitative research paradigm. The research population consists of high schools (SMA) and vocational schools (SMK) in Cianjur Regency. The respondents for this study were 15 Indonesian language teachers from 4 high schools and 1 vocational school. These fifteen teachers willingly participated in the Best Practices writing training for two weeks using both synchronous and asynchronous modes. Data were collected through observations during the training, the outcomes of the activities, and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed using content analysis techniques to identify solutions to the reflective-based writing difficulties experienced by Indonesian language teachers. Based on the research, it was found that: 1) The adaptation of the STAR structure and composition facilitates teachers in logically expressing ideas, 2) The combination of face-to-face and online training assists teachers in re-engaging with writing, and 3) The STAR structure aids teachers in completing their writing within the set time given. The research concludes that teachers are capable of writing when provided with guidance, instructions, and time contracts to complete their writing tasks.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Badriah Badriah Indra Permana Copyright (c) 2023 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-09-02 2023-09-02 7 1 193 203 10.22460/jler.v6i3.20452 Learning to Write Experiment Report Text using Project-Based Learning Method http://journal.ikipsiliwangi.ac.id/index.php/jler/article/view/20429 <p>The problem in this study was the low result/score of students' skills in writing test report texts. One of the alternatives as a solution to this problem is the author applying a project-based learning method or project based learning (PjBL). The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in students' skills in writing test report texts. after applying the PJBL method. The research procedure uses classroom action research by processing data in a qualitative descriptive manner. The research was started by carrying out pre-action/pre-cycle activities, namely identifying students' skills in writing experimental report texts in class IX B SMPN 8 Cimahi. Based on the results of the prasikus, action research was carried out which consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consists of two meetings. The actions in each cycle are carried out in four stages, namely (1) preparation/planning and action, (2) implementation of actions, (3) observation and evaluation, and (4) reflecting on the actions that have been carried out in learning activities. As for the results of this study, students experienced an increase in learning outcomes in writing experimental report texts, namely as follows: Pre-cycle to cycle 1 experienced an increase. achievement of completeness is 68.42. This shows an increase in students' skills in writing experimental report texts from pre-cycle which completed 9 students increased to 26 students in cycle I. Students' skills in writing experimental report texts by applying PJBL increased by 31.58 from the results in cycle I to cycle II. This proves that the PjBL method can improve the skills of class IX B students in writing trial report texts. All 38 students passed with the highest score of 90 and the lowest score of 79.</p> Mulyani Mulyani Teti Sobari Copyright (c) 2023 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-09-02 2023-09-02 7 1 184 192 10.22460/jler.v6i3.20429 Cultivation of Digital Literacy Culture Through an Interest in Reading Literature 21st Century Life Skills http://journal.ikipsiliwangi.ac.id/index.php/jler/article/view/20275 <p>This study aims to photograph or measure the culture of digital literacy in early adolescents, around 11-14 years or junior high school level. This research was conducted on students of SMP Pahlawan Toha Bandung, totaling 40 students. The research was conducted by surveying the understanding and ability to use digital devices, as well as students' interest in reading literature through the devices they have. The research method used is quantitative descriptive, the research subjects are students of SMP Pahlawan Toha Bandung, and the object of research is survey data on the level of digital literacy culture among students. The instrument used is in the form of a questionnaire compiled through the media Google form which is distributed to students, then proceed with coding data, tabulating, scoring, and data analysis to conclude. The study results show a cultural portrait of early adolescent digital literacy at SMP Pahlawan Toha Bandung, which is known to be going well and has become entrenched, shown by 95% of students being able to use technology and information media tools properly, and ethically. Even so, having digital literacy competence will not always automatically increase interest in reading or writing literacy, let alone interest in literary literacy. Efforts are needed to ensure that the better students use digital media as a tool to help, make it easier to access literacy materials, and obtain general and specific information related to literary works, the better will be the achievement of student life skills competencies in the 21st century.</p> Wulan Handayani Diena San Fauziya Copyright (c) 2023 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-09-02 2023-09-02 7 1 170 183 10.22460/jler.v6i3.20275