Comm-Edu (Community Education Journal) <p>Comm-Edu (Community Education Journal) publishes original research or theoretical papers about :</p> <p>1. non formal education</p> <p>2. community education</p> <p>3. community development </p> <p>4. training and course</p> <p>5. informal education</p> <p>6. social communication to support community learning process</p> <p>We recommend qualitative, descriptive, or quantitative reseach. 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Therefore, Authors are able to track their submission status at any time by logging in to the online submission interface. The submission tracking includes status of manuscript review and editorial process.</p> ANALISIS BIBLIOMETRIK: TREND PENELITIAN PENDIDIKAN POLITIK (1993- 2023) <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This study scrutinizes the evolution of political education research over three decades, aiming to identify the most prolific authors, affiliations, and countries, to map research trends, and to suggest directions for future inquiry. Utilizing bibliometric methods, data were collected from Scopus and WOS databases, converted into RIS format, and analyzed with Rstudio and VosViewer. Findings reveal a marked increase in political education research, highlighting its growing significance in response to current global dynamics. The United States stands out with the highest international citation count, indicating its pivotal role in the field. The analysis underscores the relevance of linking political education to a country's political landscape. Consequently, this research advocates for more nuanced studies on the application of political education tailored to national contexts, to enhance its efficacy and impact globally.</p> </div> </div> </div> Muhamad Rafi Abdul Rasyd Riadh Alfy Rd. Dian Herdiana Utama Ilham Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 183 197 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.22863 HUBUNGAN ANTARA DIKLAT BERJENJANG TINGKAT DASAR PENDIDIK PAUD DENGAN PROSES PEMBELAJARAN ANAK USIA DINI DI KECAMATAN GONDANG KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO <p>Basic level education and training for early childhood educators in Cluster II of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency, revealed several gaps in the teaching process. These were evidenced by issues such as educators' insufficient application of teaching principles in managing classrooms during learning activities. Consequently, many students fail to pay attention when educators deliver material, resulting in a disruptive classroom atmosphere. Furthermore, there is a lack of effective lesson planning aligned with the curriculum. Thus, research was conducted to address the problem statement: Is there a correlation between hierarchical training for PAUD educators and the early childhood learning process in Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency?. It employed a quantitative approach with correlational research. The study area was purposively chosen within Cluster II of PAUD in Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency, with a total population of 25 educators. Data collection techniques involved questionnaires and documentation, with data analysis conducted using Pearson Product Moment correlation formula. The research's correlation coefficient yielded a result of 0.785, while the critical value r-table was 0.396 at a significance level of 0.05, with N=25. Consequently, the obtained result of r-value &gt; r-table (0.785 &gt; 0.396) led to the conclusion that there is a significant relationship between hierarchical training for PAUD educators and the early childhood learning process in Cluster II of PAUD in Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency, categorized as a strong or high-level relationship.</p> Frimha Purnamawati Linda Fajarwati Devita Trisna Ayu Levia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 198 205 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.23143 RELEVANSI PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INDONESIA DI SMP DENGAN PENDIDIKAN PAULO FREIRE <p><em>Paulo Freire's education is very important for today's education, so it would be very good if it were applied in today's education. In the world of education, Indonesian language education is very important to increase students' creativity and activeness, especially in junior high school, because this is the golden age where students' creativity and activeness begins. To find out this, further studies are needed regarding the relevance of Paulo Freire's education and Indonesian language education in junior high schools. This research uses the methodliterature review with a qualitative descriptive presentation. Sources of research data come from journal articles, books and other sources. Data collection is in the form of literary data using listening, reading and note-taking techniques. Data analysis techniques using content analysis techniques.The results of research based on objectives, methods, concepts, student positions and educators' positions show that Indonesian language education in junior high schools is related to Paulo Freire's education. In other words, Indonesian language education in junior high school uses liberation as an important part of educational activities. This educational liberation is expected to provide maximum results for students to achieve learning goals.</em></p> Desi Ratna Ayu Yaya Sunarya Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 206 217 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.22869 POLA KEMITRAAN PENTAHELIX UNTUK PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI PEMASARAN PELAKU USAHA MIKRO KECIL MENENGAH <p><em>Partnership is a collaboration between two or more partner that jointly benefit each other to build joint collaboration in activity program using the pentahelix model partnership. Pentahelix which consist of 5 stakeholders GBCAM (Government, Business, Community, Academy, Media). The collaboration partner between Solo Technopark and Bukalapak is signed with a cooperation agreement and MoU (memorandum of Understanding) that is legally valid and exsiting SOPs. Activities are conducted in the form of workshops and webinar. This activity was implemented because many business actors did not really understand about marketing. That way Solo Technopark and Bukalapak want to make MSME actors more advanced and able to improve human resources through workshops and webinar. Presented material in the form of 4P’s marketing mix consisting of product, process, place, and promotion. With the aim that thet are able to absorb the material presented and can improve marketing competencies to compete with the current market. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach to obtain in-depth information and based on facts in the field during this research. The result showed that the partnership with the pentahelix model can be carries out well. Workshops and webinar activities are able to provide MSME actors with increased marketing competence in the form of knowledge and skills. </em></p> Amalia Putri Sholihah Arief Tukiman Hendrawijaya Muhammad Irfan Hilmi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 218 225 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.19509 DINAMIKA MINAT MENJADI GURU: PENGARUH PERSEPSI PROFESI DAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA MELALUI MOTIVASI <p><em>This study investigates the factors influencing the interest of Physical Education students in becoming teachers. Among 53 respondents, it was found that a positive perception of the teaching profession contributes to increased motivation, subsequently enhancing the interest in pursuing a teaching career. However, the family environment does not directly influence motivation. The implication is that educational institutions can enhance students' understanding and motivation towards the teaching profession and collaborate with families to support students' motivation. Future research could expand the sample and consider contextual factors, as well as conduct cross-cultural studies to gain broader insights into this phenomenon. </em></p> Arvianti Farah Natsya Putri Syahda Adnindiya Tanzilah Dian Herdiana Utama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 226 234 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.22864 PERAN KOMUNIKASI DALAM KELUARGA UNTUK MENCEGAH PENGGUNAAN BAHASA NEGATIF PADA ANAK <p>Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya kasus anak-anak yang masih kecil dan remaja bahkan sampai orang tua yang berbicara dengan menggunakan kata-kata kasar. Sebagai keluarga yang menjadi tempat belajar anak untuk pertama kalinya, komunikasi keluarga ini menjadi penting terutama dalam mengatasi kebiasaan anak yang berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa yang kasar. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, komunikasi, dan pendidikan dalam keluarga. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan responden berjumlah enam orang yang merupakan anak, dan orang tua . Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa masih adanya orang tua yang tidak mengetahui dampak dari berbicara menggunakan kata-kata kasar. dari pembahasan mengenai peran keluarga dalam mengatasi kebiasaan anak berbicara kasar, didapatkan bahwa komunikasi keluarga ini merupakan hal yang terpenting untuk dilakukan dalam sebuah keluarga, karena dengan berkomunikasi anak dapat lebih dekat dengan keluarga dan menghindari hal-hal yang negatif, termasuk penggunaan bahasa negatif dalam berbicara. Komunikasi dalam sebuah keluarga menjadi hal yang penting untuk mengatasi anak berbicara menggunakan Bahasa negatif dengan kata-kata yang kasar.</p> Siti Hanifa Nurentang Fitriani Ansori Dinno Mulyono Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 235 241 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.20277 PERAN KEPRIBADIAN GURU DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA <p><em>This study examines the effect of teacher personality competence on student learning motivation in Aqidah Akhlak at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 2 Padangsidimpuan. The proposed hypothesis states that teachers' attributes and behaviours significantly affect students' motivation, which in turn affects the effectiveness of the learning process. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach by collecting data through questionnaires and documentation from 28 student respondents. Data analysis was conducted using the Product Moment formula. The results showed a correlation coefficient r<sub>count</sub> of 0.538, which exceeds the r<sub>table</sub> value of 0.374 at the 5% significance level. This supports the hypothesis that teacher personality competence positively affects student learning motivation. The findings emphasise the critical role of teacher personality in shaping educational outcomes and recommend the importance of professional development programs aimed at improving teachers' personality competence with positive and constructive behaviours in teaching and presenting themselves as an ideal figure that students respect and love.</em></p> Alfi Syahrah Siregar Dian Herdiana Utama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 242 247 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.22862 PERAN LAZNAS PUSAT ZAKAT UMAT CIANJUR DALAM PENGUATAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT MELALUI PROGRAM UMAT MANDIRI DI LINGKUNGAN PIMPINAN RANTING PERSISTRI <p>Menurut Departemen Umum Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (Ducapil) Kementerian Dalam Negeri, jumlah penduduk Indonesia 236,53 juta jiwa, dengan umat Islam mencapai 86,88 persen dari jumlah penduduk. Ini menandakan bahwa umat Islam merupakan mayoritas penduduk Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki populasi Muslim yang besar, yang berarti memiliki banyak potensi dana zakat. Menurut Firdaus dkk (2012:33), potensi zakat Indonesia di atas 217 triliun rupiah atau 3,40 persen dari PDB tahun 2010. Sektor industri memiliki potensi zakat paling besar, disusul sektor perumahan. Tabungan zakat memiliki kapasitas sekitar 17 triliun rupiah. Penatausahaan zakat yaitu kegiatan merencanakan, mengatur, melaksanakan, dan mengawasi pengumpulan pendistribusian zakat.</p> Adkhilni Mudkhola Shidqin Hamdani Dewi Safitri Elshap Copyright (c) 2024 Comm-Edu (Community Education Journal) 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 248 257 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.12167 PERAN PERPUSTAKAAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN LITERASI INFORMASI MASYARAKAT DI PERPUSTAKAAN DESA PADALARANG <p>Penelitian ini berfokus pada peran perpustakaan dalam meningkatkan pencapaian literasi informasi terhadap masyarakat di Perpustakaan Desa Padalarang. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui program pada Perpusdes Padalarang; (2) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi literasi informasi masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah dengan adanya Perpusdes Padalarang; (3) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana dukungan pemerintah dalam meningkatkan literasi informasi masyarakat di Perpusdes Padalarang. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode penelitian desktiptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Peneliti melakukan wawancara terhadap dua subjek penelitian yang ditentukan berdasarkan teknik <em>Purposive Sampling. </em>Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara. Sedangkan, teknik analisis data menggunakan pendekatan triangulasi sebagai uji keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran perpustakaan dalam meningkatkan literasi informasi masyarakat di Perpustakaan Desa Padalarang yaitu sebagai pembantu dan pendukung masyarakat dalam pengembangan kualitas hidup agar menjadi pribadi yang mandiri, melek terhadap ilmu pengetahuan, komunikasi dan informasi, serta berpotensi dimasa mendatang. Pencapaian dalam meningkatkan literasi informasi oleh Perpustakaan Desa Padalarang sudah cukup efektif agar masyakarat menjadi lebih giat dan termotivasi dalam mencari bacaan yang faktual dan akurat, apalagi didukung dengan adanya literasi dalam hal digitalisasi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Perpustakaan, Literasi Informasi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Referensi</strong></p> <p>Afrizal. 2019. “Peranan Pustakawan Dalam Mewujudkan Perpustakaan Digital.” <em>MAKTABATUNA : Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan </em>&nbsp;1(2): 185–94.</p> <p>Ahyar, Hardani et al. 2020. <em>Buku Metode Penelitian Kualitatif &amp; Kuantitatif</em>.</p> <p>Endarti, Sri. 2022. “Perpustakaan Sebagai Tempat Rekreasi Informasi.” <em>ABDI PUSTAKA: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan</em> 2(1): 23–28.</p> <p>Hamidah, D T, and E Lusiana. 2022. “Peran Pustakawan Dinas Kearsipan Dan Perpustakaan Kabupaten Indramayu Dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Informasi Masyarakat.” <em>Nautical: Jurnal Ilmiah …</em> 1(7): 497–504.</p> <p>Himawan, Deden. 2014. “Pengantar Literasi Informasi.” <em>P</em> (April): 1–10.</p> <p>Noprianto, Eko. 2018. “Tantangan Dalam Mewujudkan Perpustakaan Digital.” <em>Pustakaloka</em> 10(1): 104.</p> <p>Persia, M.Aziza Nur. 2013. “Peran Perpustakaan Anak Di Rumah Sakit Kanker ‘Dharmais’ Jakarta.” <em>Ilmu Perpustakaan</em> 2: 1–8.</p> <p>Rizki, Muhammad Miftahur, and Hikmatu Ruwaida. 2022. “Peran Perpustakaan Daerah Dalam Membangun Budaya Literasi Masyarakat.” <em>Jurnal Basicedu</em> 6(2): 1774–81.</p> <p>Sa’diyah, Lailatus, and M Furqon Adli. 2019. “Perpustakaan Di Era Teknologi Informasi.” <em>Al Maktabah : Jurnal Kajian Ilmu dan Perpustakaan</em> 4(2): 142–49.</p> <p>Sahir, Syafrida Hafni. 2022. <em>Buku Ini Di Tulis Oleh Dosen Universitas Medan Area Hak Cipta Di Lindungi Oleh Undang-Undang Telah Di Deposit Ke Repository UMA Pada Tanggal 27 Januari 2022</em>.</p> <p>Septiyantono, Tri. 2014. “Konsep Dasar Literasi Informasi.” : 1–77.</p> <p>Tyas, Zahra Wenning. 2023. “Transformasi Peran Pustakawan Dalam Mengelola Koleksi Digital Di Perpustakaan Kabupaten Bandung.” <em>Jurnal Pustaka Budaya</em> 10(1): 10–20.</p> <p>Winastwan, Rheza Ega, and Annisa Nur Fatwa. 2021. “Peluang Dan Tantangan Perpustakaan Digital Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 : Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur.” <em>Jurnal Publis</em> 5(2): 2021.</p> Novia Tirta Sari Nandang Rukanda Dewi Safitri Elshap Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 258 265 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.19475 PELATIHAN PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN GADIK DAN GADIKAN DALAM RANGKA PEMBELAJARAN OGANISASI POLRI PADA PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN PEMBENTUKAN BINTARA POLRI DI SPN POLDA JAWA BARAT <p>This study aims to determine the planning of training to increase the ability of girls and women in the context of learning about the Police organization in the National Police Formation Education program at the SPN Polda West Java. To find out the implementation of improving the ability of girls and girls in the context of learning about the Police organization in the National Police Formation Education program at the SPN Polda West Java. To describe the results of improving the ability of girls and girls in the context of learning the Polri organization in the National Police NCO Formation Education program at the SPN Polda West Java, this research uses a case study research base and a qualitative descriptive type of research. Determination of informants is done by purposive sampling, which is chosen intentionally with the consideration that the selected informants are considered capable of providing the required information. The results of this study prove that the organization directs to whom members of the organization interact and communicate so that it is not considered wrong (ethically and disciplined) both in attitude and behavior, especially in person to person relationships. On the other hand, it also has a relationship and is interrelated, namely influencing the management of the organization that appears in the form of decisions, policies and directives, both written and verbal. This organizational training encourages orderly learning management because apart from keeping open the pattern of two-way communication, discussion and dialogue, it also includes criticism, input and suggestions. However, organizational training requires that communication be formally guided by certain ethics, procedures and procedures</p> Deti Yuanita Sari Ansori Ansori Novi Widiastuti Copyright (c) 2024 Comm-Edu (Community Education Journal) 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 266 270 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.12074 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KESIAPAN MENJADI CALON GURU MELALUI SELF-EFFICACY DAN PENGUASAAN MATERI KULIAH KEPENDIDIKAN <p>One of the reasons for the low quality of education in Indonesia is the low quality of teaching staff (teachers). Based on data from the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report 2016, the quality of teachers in Indonesia is ranked 10th out of 14 developing countries in the world, which is because readiness to become teachers in Indonesia is still low. Then, this research was also motivated by the still low readiness of student teacher candidates for the 2019 FPEB UPI economic education study program in facing their career, both in terms of their abilities and self-confidence. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of self-efficacy and mastery of educational course material in increasing readiness to become prospective teachers. The method used is an explanatory survey method using a questionnaire as a research instrument and data collection tool. The population and sample in this research were economic education students class of 2019 at the Indonesian Education University with a total of 90 students as respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression. The research results show that, (1) self-efficacy has a positive effect on readiness to become a teacher candidate, (2) mastery of educational course material has no effect on readiness to become a teacher candidate.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Anggun Anggraeni Faisal Fikri Dian Herdiana Utama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 7 2 271 279 10.22460/commedu.v7i2.22841