Analisis Unsur Intrinsik Dalam Cerpen "Lima Orang Di Meja Makan" Karya Guntur Alam


  • Mutiara Khoerunisa IKIP Siliwangi


Literature, Short Story, Intrinsic Element


Literature is a written work that expresses an event by thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Short stories are one type of literary work, namely prose. Short stories have a distinctive characteristic that can be read in one sitting. This study aims to determine the intrinsic elements contained in a short stories. The intrinsic elements contained in a short story include themes, characters, plot, setting, point of view, and mandate. The short story used in this research is the work of Guntur Alam, entitled "Five People at the Dining Table". The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method, this method is presented in the form of words. According to the analysis that has been carried out in this study, it can be concluded that 1. The theme in the short story is struggle and humanity. 2. The characters in the short story have several characters, among others, Renata, Mary, Pietter, Sandra, and Daniel. 3. The grooves that are formed are mixed grooves. 4. The setting in the short story is divided into three, namely the setting in the dining room and the middle of the urban forest, the time setting at night, and the setting for the atmosphere which has a tense atmosphere. 5. The point of view used is mixed. 6. The message contained in the short story is to be a human being who has a good and fair personality. The fact, any bad deeds committed will be the same as the effects.


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