PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) <p>PROJECT, Professional Journal of English education is published bimonthly by IKIP SILIWANGI Indonesia, this journal represents the field of English Education including but not limited to language teaching and learning.</p> <p>Focus PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) is a media for diseminating the result of research about language and education in English Education. Scope PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) publishes the research article in language, and education in English Education.</p> <p>Since December 13, 2019, the journal has been ACCREDITED by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the Republic of Indonesia. To improve the quality of articles in the Project journal, then starting at volume 3 issue 1 (January, 2020), templates for Project journal articles are adjusted so that until now using a<a href=";ouid=103701048839769080642&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true"> <strong>new template</strong>.</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) </strong>is published by Language Education in Indonesia of IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia</p> <p><strong>Publisher Address:</strong></p> <p>Terusan Jend. Sudirman Street, Baros, Cimahi Tengah, Cimahi City, Indonesia 40521</p> <p><strong>Office:</strong> Building A, 2nd Floor, Room A16</p> <p><strong>Telp./Fax:</strong> (022) 6629913</p> <p>Email: [email protected]</p> <p>Click to access:Â <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Project Journal</a></p> IKIP Siliwangi en-US PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) 2614-6320 MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS BETWEEN PREFIX AND SUFFIX IN JACQUELINE HOWARD ARTICLE OF CNN <p>This study aims to find out the types of suffixes and to find out the frequently used prefixes and suffixes in CNN’s Jacqueline Howard's article titled "Eating A Plant-Based Diet Might Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes, Study Suggests". In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative methods by conducting 3 steps in analyzing the text taken from the CNN website. The first step is searching and collecting the data, the next is analyzing the data, and the last is classify the words that have been analyzed according to this kind. The method of collecting in this research is taken from CNN’s website. In Jacqueline Howard's article for CNN, there are prefixes and suffixes. Data appears in various forms of prefix and suffix. The total data prefix in Jacqueline Howard's article for CNN is 11. From the data that has been analyzed, the writer found four types of suffix in Jacqueline Howard's article for CNN. The total number of data words of Noun Suffix in text is 5. The data words of Verbal Suffix in text are 3, the data words of Adjectival Suffix in text are 5, and the last data word of Adverbial Suffix in text is 7. Then the writer also concluded that the frequently used prefix in Jacqueline Howard's articles is the prefix "In-." And the type of suffix often used is the word adverbial, like-ly.</p> Risna Dewi Nurhayati Lukman Arif Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 502 508 STUDENTS' RESPONSES TOWARD WRITING GREETING CARDS USING CANVA THROUGH PROJECT-BASED LEARNING <p>The goal of this study is to see how students react to creating greeting cards with Canva through project-based learning. Canva allows pupils to expand their creativity and ideas for expressing things in writing. The sample for this study was eighth-grade junior high school students in Padalarang, and the research technique was descriptive qualitative. The research tools were obtained using a ten-questions of the questionnaire. The researcher found that students' responses to producing greeting cards using Canva through project-based learning were favourable based on the results of the data analysis. This response demonstrates that canva can be used effectively in writing. Based on the data, 70% of respondents properly characterize text using Canva as part of project-based learning. Using Canva, 60% of pupils can improve their creativity in explaining things. However, 50% of students have yet to understand Canva's capabilities, making it difficult to create greeting cards quickly. Furthermore, in this pandemic circumstance, employing online learning may be diverse media in the teaching and learning process. Canva may be used as a substitute for writing greeting cards. Using Canva, students find it enjoyable and straightforward to create greeting cards.</p> Yana Yana Milenia Dwi Agustin Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 509 515 AN ANALYSIS OF THE USE WHATSAPP MEDIA IN TEACHING WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT <p>This studied aims to found outthe students’ response and difficulties in online learned descriptive text through WhatsApp. The subject of this researched was junior high school students who were in seventh grade. The data of this research were obtained by questionnaire and one open-ended question,questionnaire was distributed through Google Form. There were 19 students filled out the form. The results showed that students had positive response to the use of Whatsapp in online learning. However, they found several obstacles, about 47% said they had no difficulties, 31% said they had difficult personal conditions, and 21% of the 19 students said it was difficult to find a good connection. In the case they did not have quota and good signal. This impacted to their understanding of the material given. Besides, some of them had a problem in using WhatsApp, it was due to the smarthphone condition. This indicates that good access and has quota is one of important to conduct the online learning. The other supportive aspect is having good smartphone or tools.</p> Chrristiana Hutagaol Mundriyah Y Pamungkas Refi Ranto Rozak Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 516 522 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ANIMATION VIDEOS IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL <p>In this school from home period, teachers should provide creative methods or medias to make students engage with the learning activity. One of the medias that teachers can be use is by using animation videos. The objective of this research is to discover whether animation videos could improve students’ speaking skill or not. The subject of this research was 29 of high school students in Cianjur. The researchers used SPSS to analyzed the data. The researcher guided by the following hypothesis: Null hypothesis (H0): animation videos can not improve students' speaking skills. Alternative hypothesis: animation videos can improve students’ speaking skills. Based on the test results, the mean of pre-test score is 62.38, and the mean of post-test 74.46, which showed a significant improvement toward student’ speaking skill. In conclusion, animation videos can improve students’ speaking skill.</p> Anwar Musadad Setya Resmini Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 523 527 THE USE OF SONG IN TEACHING SPEAKING FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>The purpose of this research is to look into the use of song in teaching English to primary school students in greater depth. This study is an action research project done at one of Cimahi's primary schools, class V, with 15 students as participants. Data is collected from each cycle's test results. The findings revealed that incorporating song in the teaching learning process causes students to become more relaxed and active in their interactions, as seen by their greater involvement in class. Another conclusion demonstrated that integrating song, students' English language skills improved from the preliminary to the cycle II stage of the research procedure. The average preliminary score of students is 80.53, and it improved to 86.60 in the second cycle, indicating that all students can accomplish more than the minimal criterion score. It may be stated that integrating songs into the classroom to teach English to primary school students can assist students in improving their English language skills. This study indicates that songs could have been used to teach speaking skills to primary school students in order to improve their English language skills, especially speaking skills.</p> Tuti Aminah Sasmita Ratih Inayah Copyright (c) 2024 PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 528 534 MORAL VALUES IN MAYA ANGELOU SELECTED POEMS <p>The objectives of the study were 1) to describe the form of moral values found in selected poems by Maya Angelou, and 2) to describe how the disclosure of moral values in selected poems by Maya Angelou. In this case, the research used a descriptive qualitative method to classify and analyze the data. This collection of poems is interesting to research because it contains many moral values and very inspiring messages about life, humanity and justice in the poem. The approach used in this research is a pragmatic approach. Based on the results of the analysis, the researcher found three most dominant moral values : Moral Courage, Be Yourself, and Honesty. After finding the moral values in each stanza of the poem, the poem was analyzed to obtain the meaning contained in each stanza.</p> Shafira Ramadhani Lubis Ayu Melati Ningsih Risnawaty Risnawaty Dewi Nurmala Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 535 540 ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSITIVITY PROCESS IN RECOUNT TEXTS WRITTEN BY ENGLISH EDUCATION THIRD-SEMESTER STUDENTS <p>The purpose of this study is to identify the most common transitivity process and the extent to which students' recount texts implement it. This study analyzed 22 texts that were selected from student-written recount texts..The transitivity process was analyzed by the researcher using a descriptive qualitative method. Six processes were identified by the research's findings: the material process (57%) followed by the mental process (29%), the relational process (4,9%), the verbal process (3,2%), the existential process (3,2%), and the behavioral process (2,7%). The material and mental processes were found to be the most prevalent. Because the text the students wrote was a recount, it suggests that they were aware of the proper format for recount texts. As a result, they concentrated more on how to recount past events and actions.that already took place. Students are competent in using the six different types of procedures, even if they mostly employ material.</p> Aliana Almira Hayu Dian Yulistianti Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 541 549 DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF ENGLISH LEARNING MATERIAL USING FLIP PDF PROFESSIONAL FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>Most teachers often use textbook as a primary resource book for ideas and instructional activities as well as giving guides for what they do. This research is focus on developing English learning material using flip PDF professional in Writing skill for Grade VII in SMP N 1 Tapa based on curriculum in Indonesia. The aims of this research were: (1) To investigate the difficulties of SMP N 1 Tapa Grade VII students in writing composition, (2) To find out the supplemental tool that can be developed to address the difficulties by the students, (3) To develop appropriate English learning materials using flip PDF professional for Grade VII students in SMP N 1 Tapa. This research is one of the processes to develop new products or improve existing products. The product that will be produce from this research is an e-book to develop junior high school students' writing skills in English learning for class VII. The researchers used ADDIE development model in making the product. The writer's developed instructional material can serve as supplementary resources for classroom teaching and learning. This implies that the materials existing in the textbook can still be utilized.</p> Amaliah R. Nggilu Marilou D. Tino Bambang Widi Pratolo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 550 557 STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF THE INFLUENCE OF FREE WRITING HABITS IN THESIS WRITING <p>This study explores students' perceptions regarding the impact of free writing habits on their thesis writing process. The study specifically focuses on the concept of free writing, an approach that promotes unrestricted expression and the exploration of spontaneous ideas. The participants include active students working on their theses at the University of Mataram, particularly those in the crucial phase of thesis development. The research employs descriptive qualitative research methods, including questionnaires and interviews. The study analyzes students' feedback on various aspects of free writing. Results indicate positive perceptions, with the majority agreeing that free writing aids idea generation, proposal development, and overall writing skills. Interviews further highlight the technique's effectiveness in overcoming writing challenges. The results highlight the importance of educators endorsing and promoting the development of students' free writing habits, fostering creativity, and enhancing their overall writing proficiency. Educators must encourage the adoption of such practices for an enriched academic experience.</p> Syarifa Suraiya Rahmani Syafiqa Zayyani Wliaratu Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 558 564 MAXIM ANALYSIS OF TEACHER LUKE PODCAST ON YOUTUBE <p>Communication must be delivered smoothly and clearly in order to be understood. Communication that follows the principle of good quality conversation. Speakers communicate effectively by providing accurate and concise information. This study employed Grice's cooperative principle. This study sought to identify: 1) types of conversation maxims, 2) categories of conversation maxims, and 3) the purpose of conversation maxims as seen in the Luke Podcast's first episode on YouTube. The researchers employed qualitative research methods. The goal of this research was to use document analysis to identify the maxims issue in Luke Podcast one episode from the YouTube script. According to research, there are four types of conversational maxims: quantity, quality, relation, and manner.</p> Nisfia Laili Nizar Aliva Rosdiana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 565 572 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MAKE A MATCH TECHNIQUE WITH QR CODE-BASED FLASHCARDS ON STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY <p>Vocabulary is one of the most crucial components that students should have. However, the students have limited vocabulary. As a result, the students have difficulty remembering the new words. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the Make a Match Technique with QR Code-based Flashcards on vocabulary mastery for seventh-grade students at MTs Miftahul Huda Bulungan. This research used a true-experimental design with a pre-test post-test design. The population of this research was seventh-grade students. The sample of the research was 2 classes, experimental class (VII B) and control class (VII A). Data were acquired using multiple-choice tests. The researcher employed the t-test to analyze the data. Students in the experimental class had an average score of 81.73, whereas those in the control class was 71.67. Then, The Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.000, which is less than 0.05, and the T-test was greater than the T-table (5.542 &gt; 1.697). The result showed that using Make a Match Technique with QR Code-based Flashcards was effective for improving students’ vocabulary.</p> Diantia Cahya Rimandani Nina Sofiana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 573 579 THE ROLE OF LEARNING FACILITIES IN ENHANCING TOEFL TEST PREPARATION AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS <p>The aim is to find the learning facilities' impact on students' preparation on the TOEFL test. Students must take the TOEFL test as one of the requirements for admission to universities, scholarships and job vacancies. The research approach is quantitative, and the research method is a survey. The population are ninety students from English Department Study Program, STKIP Al Maksum, who already took the TOEFL test; the sample were fifty-three students, and the author used random sampling to choose the sample. The data collection is from the questionnaire, which was analyzed through descriptive analysis as the data analysis technique. The result is that learning facilities consisting of large and comfortable classrooms, presentation equipment, books, computers and the internet influenced students' preparation for the TOEFL test. The average score was above 50% among the questions. Workshops and seminars also support students to build confidence and readiness in following the TOEFL test. In conclusion, adequate learning facilities can support students' preparation for taking the TOEFL test.</p> Donny Adiatmana Ginting Rosmen Rosmen Muhammad Hassan Fernando De Napoli Marpaung Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 580 588 AN ANALYSIS OF THE WORD-FORMATION PROCESSES IN JARGON USED IN TICKET RESERVATION <p>Following the epidemic, there has been a growing desire to travel and an acceleration of information technology development. As a result, several new words started to appear in society. Jargon is the phrase for the newly coined word. Numerous studies have examined jargon terms using a range of variations in their goals, approaches, and media sources. Previous research has shown that jargon words have been explored by many scholars across online platforms, newspapers, and social media. This research aims to discuss the type of jargon word-formation processes used in ticket reservations. This research is based on the Yule theory. This research is qualitative descriptive, which yields descriptive data. Data have been collected by listening and conversation, verbal or non-verbal, and written text between customers and other staff of Air India. The researcher identified six types of jargon in the word formation process used in ticket reservation: acronym, compounding, clipping, initials, derivation, and multiple processes.</p> Depersina Putirulan Nico Harared Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 589 595 KINDS OF SPEECH ACT USED TO TEACH SPEAKING FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS: AN ANALYSIS STUDY <p>Speech acts are utterances that contain an intention towards the listener. Speech acts are intended to convey information, ideas or thoughts from someone. The aim of this study is to find out the kind and dominant speech acts used to teach speaking to students by English teachers during learning activities. The researchers used speaking materials for their analysis. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this analysis show that there are 123 utterances or speech acts that can be classified. The data that has been obtained can be directly classified into 3 types of speech acts, the name is Locutionary, Illocutionary, and Perlocutionary. It is very important to understand the meaning of utterences in English. This is to avoid misunderstandings in the meaning of speech.</p> Reza Agnes Sindy Lorensa Muh Shofiyuddin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 596 602 EVALUATING THE QUALITY OF TRANSLATIONS PRODUCED BY MACHINES AS OPPOSED TO HUMAN <p>This study aims to determine the degree to which machine translations, specifically Google Translate, DeepL, and Microsoft Bing Translator, in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability, focusing on the translation of parts of lexical elements, namely collocations, idioms, and fixed expressions in the novel “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. In order to analyze the data, a descriptive-qualitative method with purposive sampling technique was utilized. The main theories used are Translation Methods and Procedures by Newmark and Translation Shifts by Catford as the supporting theory. To achieve greater accuracy in the results, the linguistic structure is also thoroughly examined in this research to ascertain the equivalency of the source and target languages. Out of a number of phrases that were examined and sifted on the basis of lexical element categories, (37) collocations, (49) idioms, and (24) fixed expressions were identified along with their corresponding translation quality parameters and scores. The data analysis revealed that the most accurate translation method was human translation (TL), with a weighted average score of 2.74. Google Translate (GT), Microsoft Bing Translator (MT) (with a score of 2.66), and DeepL (DL) (with a score of 2.33).</p> Ahmez Abdul Jabbar Evert H. Hilman Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 603 616 AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN THE NOVEL LOCKWOOD &CO: STREAMING STAIRCASE BY JONATHAN STROUD <p>A figurative language is a tool that allows us to understand the boundaries of literal words and feel the beauty of words hidden in them. With figurative language, we can also understand beautiful and soul-stirring images in sentences that contain figurative language. This research discusses figurative language and translation methods in the novel LOCKWOOD &amp; CO: THE STREAMING STAIRCASE. This research focuses on four types of figurative language which are; Simile, Personification, Hyperbole, and metaphor. This research uses a descriptive qualitative to know the use of figurative language found in sentences and translation in the novel, This is because the qualitative method is a suitable method for answering existing questions and allows the collection of data that is rich in detail and context. In this research, the writer uses the theory according to Abrams to find out the types of figurative language and Newmark's theory to find out the translation method used in the novel the writer uses.</p> <p> </p> Yoga Harnutomo Intan Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 617 623 AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USING OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING <p>In the era of globalization, the use of technology in daily life has increased significantly. Along with the advancement of technology, one of the new learning tools that have been created known as CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) which purposed to make English teaching learning activity more effective and efficient. This research is aimed to review the major theme that be focus from the use of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in English Learning Teaching classroom. This systematic review was conducted in the fourth phase: collecting, identifying, screening, and reviewing. The research articles that were reviewed in this study fulfilled three criterias: a) research about the use of CALL in ELT, b) peer-reviewed studies, c) taken from reputable journal websites. The search of the journal was conducted using some search engine database such Google Scholar, and reputable journal website finds in Science and Technology Index (Sinta) Website by Kemendikbud. The research’s finding shows that the use of various CALLs application in English teaching learning increases pupil’s English proficiency and improves the effectiveness of the learning process.</p> Miyarti Miyarti Iin Inawati Bambang Widi Pratolo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 624 631 SPEECH ACT ANALYSIS OF MAIN CHARACTER IN THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE <p>Understanding language meaning is crucial in communication. Speaker employs speech acts and interlocutors to do what they want to do using appropriate language and manner in particular context. This study is aimed at investigating speech acts and language functions employed by main character in the Super Mario Bros movie. The method used in this study is socio-pragmatic with qualitative descriptive approach. The relationship between main character and other characters are investigated to gain how language function implied in speech act through utterances. The data collection used involves watching movie, transcribing utterances, and identifying data. The steps to data analysis involves classifying, reducting data, and analyzing data. The result illustrates that there are 125 data of speech acts found in Super Mario Bros movie which involves 125 utterances contains 52 data of assertives (42%), 2 data of commissives (2%), 61 data of directives (48%), and 10 data of expressives (8%). The most dominant speech act found is directive speech act. It indicates that the tendency of asking questions and begging is frequently found since the main character in Mario Bros movie used to produce these utterances.</p> Ravi Al Bany Halqi Aliva Rosdiana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 632 639 DEIXIS IN NIKI ZEFANYA’S SONG LYRICS LIVE AT WILTERN ALBUM <p>The present study attempts to investigate the types of deixis in Niki Zefanya’s song lyrics Live at Wiltern album. Furthermore, it also investigates the most dominant deixis type realized in Niki Zefanya’s song lyrics Live at Wiltern album. To analyze the findings, Levinson’s theory (1983) on deixis is used. The study employs descriptive qualitative method. The data are taken from five songs within Live at Wiltern album (2023). The findings of research reveals a total of 522 data on the whole deixis type. Starting form the most dominant one, person deixis was found in a total of 312 findings or equal to 60% of the whole findings, followed by temporal deixis, 115 findings (22%), spatial deixis 56 findings (11%), social deixis 31 findings (6%), and discourse deixis 8 findings (1%). Based on the result of the study, it is highly suggested for other researcher to consider expanding the analysis to a broader range of musical genres and artists.</p> Hidayatul Luthfiya Azizah Adip Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 640 650 TRANSLATION OF EUPHEMISM, SYMBOLISM, AND PARADOX EXPRESSIONS FOUND IN THE BIBLE <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze selected figurative language items, specifically euphemism, symbolism, and paradox expressions, found in the Bible using the techniques of translation, by Newmark. This study utilizes a descriptive qualitative method with purposive sampling technique. The Data in this research is The Bible in two different translated versions, the International New Version and the Indonesian Version. In this study there are 6 types of translation methods and 2 types of translation procedures employed to translate the bible. There are 4 sentences in Transposition Procedure, 3 sentences in Communicative Translation, 2 sentences in Free Translation, 1 Sentence in Faithful Translation, 1 sentence in Literal Translation, 1 Sentence in Functional Equivalent procedure, and 1 Sentence in Semantic Translation.</p> Adelia Hotryanti Evert H. Hilman Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 651 660 STUDENT PERCEPTION IN LEARNING ENGLISH SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH IMPLEMENTING INSTAGRAM <p>This study research is aimed to examine the perceptions of students regarding the use of Instagram for improving English speaking skills. Social media platforms, including Instagram, have gained popularity in language learning contexts, yet little research has examined students' perspectives on its efficacy. The type of this research used quantitative research design. The quantitative with survey study technique. A population of forty-eight students participated, representing hospitality educational backgrounds and proficiency levels at Apollonia Hotel School in the academic year 2022/2024 in diploma II. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire. Semi-structured questionnaires assess participants' usage patterns, perceived benefits, challenges, and attitudes toward Instagram for language learning. The data analysis used validity, reliability of Cronbach Alpha, and descriptive statistics by using SPSS version 26. The result indicated a generally positive perception of Instagram as a supplementary tool for English-speaking practice, highlighting benefits such as access to authentic language content and interaction opportunities with native speakers. However, distractions were also noted from an unstable internet connection, the informal nature of the content, and the experience of the teacher to transform in teaching environment from traditional to innovative ways. Further research is recommended to explore effective strategies for integrating Instagram into language learning curricula and addressing the identified challenges. </p> Salma Aldarosa Anjani I Gusti Ayu Lokita Purnamika Utami Ni Luh Putu Sri Adnyani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 661 667 DOES STORYTELLING CAPTIVATE STUDENTS IN ICE-BREAKING SESSIONS?: ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION <p>An attractive yet meaningful activity needs to be conducted as an ice-breaking activity in an ESP class to build a conducive learning environment that relaxes the students. This study aimed to figure out whether storytelling can engage vocational students in tertiary education in an ice-breaking session and the perception of the students. This study employed A qualitative research design involving 51 purposively chosen participants from the English for Specific Purposes class. Observation was carried out and followed by a Focus Group Discussion. The study revealed that the students were entertained by listening to fascinating and unusual stories from the storytellers because the students could capture positive enlightenment in their minds. The students became impatient to attend the ice-breaking session since, after the storytelling, their confidence in speaking was realized to be improved. Although storytelling could captivate the students' attention, lack of vocabulary range, audience engagement, and anxiety were unveiled as obstacles. The topic of destination visits, memorable experiences, and personal growth are the students' favorite. In the future, the students might have both free topics or specific topics regarded to the lesson for storytelling as the ice-breaking to keep the students entertained yet learn something advantageous.</p> Ni Kadek Herna Lastari Made Yudyantara Risadi I Putu Yoga Laksana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 668 677 INVESTIGATING THE DIFFICULTIES ON STUDENTS’ WRITING OF RECOUNT TEXT <p>Writing is one of the important skills in learning English, writing can provide useful information for other people who need it. This study aimed to investigate the difficulties faced by eighth grade students in one of State Junior High school in Palembang in writing recount texts. It outlines the qualitative research approach, specifically a case study design, used to explore the difficulties faced by eighth farde students in writing recount texts. Homogenous sampling method was employed to select participants from the eighth grade class, four students were selected as participants who have difficulties in writing recount texts. Data collection involved interviews. Thematic analysis technique was used in analyzing the data. The result of this study showed that students encountered difficulties when writing recount texts such as lack of understanding of recount texts generic structure, lack of grammar mastery, lack of vocabulary, lack of undestanding mechanics use. Improvement from teachers and proactive efforts of students will help contribute to enhanced writing skills and solve students’ difficulties in writing recount texts.</p> Riska Amanda Ridha Ilma Deta Desvitasari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 678 683 EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION REGARDING THE UTILIZATION OF TED (TECHNOLOGY, ENTERTAINMENT, AND DESIGN) TALKS TO ENHANCE THEIR SPEAKING SKILLS <p>This qualitative study investigates the perception of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students regarding the utility of TED Talks in improving their speaking proficiency. Through interviews and documentation analysis, the study addresses the central query: "How do EFL students perceive the use of TED Talks for enhancing speaking skills?" Findings reveal a positive consensus among participants, indicating that TED Talks serve as a valuable resource for honing speaking abilities. The research highlights that TED Talks stimulate students' enthusiasm for speaking practice, with a preference for engagement during TED Talks sessions over conventional speaking exercises. However, certain challenges such as limited mobile phone access, constrained internet packages, and poor signal conditions hinder optimal utilization of TED Talks. Despite these obstacles, EFL students perceive TED Talks as conducive to speaking skill development, evidenced by observed enhancements in their speaking proficiency. This study underscores the potential of TED Talks as an effective tool for fostering English speaking skills among EFL learners.</p> Berliana Sukma Tri Sukarno Mukhlash Abrar Saharudin Saharudin Marzul Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 684 694 EXPLORING THE THAILAND STUDENTS IN LEARNING BIPA: PERCEPTIONS AND CHALLENGES <p>This research analyses Thai students' perceptions and challenges in learning BIPA. Research respondents for this study were 14 international students from Thailand who enrolled in Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) at Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. Observations, open-ended questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and classroom recordings were used to obtain data and analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method. The findings indicated that BIPA students encountered several challenges in language skills, language components and cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Therefore, simple instructions and examples are needed to help them learn the Indonesian language. Moreover, having more practice with Indonesian students also helps them understand the Indonesian language.</p> Ni Wayan Krismayani Putu Nur Ayomi I Komang Budiarta Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 695 701 THE EFFECT OF USING PODCAST TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE ENGLISH LISTENING COMPREHENSION <p>This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using podcast technology to enhance English listening comprehension. The data were obtained by quantitative methods. A quasi-experimental method with pre-test and post-test experimental techniques. This study population involved sixty students in eighth-grade junior high school students in SMPN 1 Selemadeg Tabanan Bali. The population divided become two classes, thirty were students in the control group class, and thirty students were in the experimental group class. This researcher used purposive sampling. The control group class was taught by listening to the teacher, and the experimental group class was taught via podcast. In collecting data, this research used the listening test provided in the pre-test and post-test. To analyse data, the researchers implemented SPSS version 26 of the independent t-test to examine the significant difference in the scores between the control group and experimental group to enhance English listening comprehension. After giving the treatment by implementing podcasts, they revealed that podcasts enhance students' English listening comprehension skills. </p> Ni Putu Ayu Bella Damayanti Ni Nyoman Padmadewi Luh Putu Artini Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 702 708 DEVELOPING INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO IN TEACHING WRITING OF RECOUNT TEXT <p>This research focuses on the development of instructional video as a media for teaching writing recount text for the seventh graders at SMP Walisongo Sembayat. This research was conducted to provide solutions to writing teaching problems by developing appropriate, interesting, and attractive writing media that were suited to the curriculum and the needs of English teacher and students. The research applied Research and Development (R &amp; D) by using ADDIE’s model. This model consisted of five stages; analysis, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The subjects of this research were an English teachers and students of the seventh graders at SMP Walisongo Sembayat. The instruments for collecting the data in need analysis were questionnaires and interviews. In addition, the instruments used during the evaluation were observation checklists, field notes, teacher’s and students’ response about the media. All the data gathered through those instruments were analyzed descriptively. The final product of this research was an instructional video in the form of MP4 format. It had a size of 61.7 MB and a duration of 18 minutes 02 second. This media was developed based on Merdeka Belajar Curriculum and students' needs. It was focused on recount text materials about holiday using guided writing technique. The instructional video could increase students' motivation in learning English, especially in writing.</p> Diah Khofifa Alimin Alimin Happy Kusuma Wardani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 7 3 709 722