
  • Rahmah Winnit Mardhiyyah IKIP Siliwangi
  • Euis Eti Rohaeti IKIP Siliwangi
  • Muhammad Rezza Septian IKIP Siliwangi


Kata Kunci:

Animaker , Learning Motivation


Motivation has a very big influence in learning activities that can support students in achieving good learning outcomes, if students do not have learning motivation, students will not be optimal in carrying out learning activities. This description makes it important to understand learning motivation for students in general and in particular for class VII students at SMPN 9 Cimahi. This study aims to produce animated video media products to provide a concrete understanding of increasing learning motivation. The research method used is research & development (R&D) with development procedures referring to Borg & Gall which are simplified by the Puslitjaknov Team into five stages. The subjects in this study included 1 material expert, 2 media experts, 1 school counselor practitioner, 10 students, and 34 students. The data obtained in this study are quantitative data that refers to the acceptability criteria of the material and the criteria of learning media which are analyzed by descriptive statistics, as well as qualitative data in the form of comments and suggestions on the product. The results obtained based on product validation from material experts reached 96%, media experts at 100%, and school counselor practitioners 96%. Meanwhile, 87% of students' responses were limited and 91% of students' responses were wider in scope. Based on the results of the study, this research can produce a product in the form of an animated video which is empirically proven to be used as a medium for guidance and counseling services.



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