
  • Siska Tutiana Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
  • Dewang Sulistiana Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
  • Feida Noorlaila Isti'adah Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya


Kata Kunci:

conformity, peergroups, students


This study aims to describe the Negative Conformity of Peer Groups among High School Students in Tasikmalaya Regency basedon aspects an dindicators, differences based on gender, based on class level, and to design guidance and counseling services as preventive service store duce negative peer group conformity to students. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method to reveal the negative conformity pictureof peer groups. The population in this study is high school students in Tasikmalaya Regency which consist of several schools. The sample in this study was SMA Tasikmalaya high school students, totaling 427 students, who were taken by accidental sampling. The results of this study, ingeneral, the negative conformity of peer groups among high school students in Tasikmalaya Regency is in the low conformity category of 92% (392 students). The highest aspect is agreement while the lowest aspect is obedience. Based on class level and gender, there is no difference with the sig.0.004 which means there is no significant difference between the negative conformity of male and female studentsin SMA Tasikmalaya Regency. The limitations of this study are that it is still notable to test group guidance services as preventive services to reduce negative peergroup conformity, and the formulation and implementation plans for the services attached are still limited.



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