
  • Tersa Barokah Putri
  • Yeni Anggraeni
  • Sary Sukawati


analysis, poetry, imagination


This research is motivated by the researchers' interest in "Duty of Heart" poetry by Ustadz Jefri Al Buchori because there are different characteristics on the background of the writer who is a preacher. Poetry has a composition of words that are beautiful and have many meanings. Poetry writing is greatly influenced by diction and imagination used by the author because it can bring up the characteristics of the author through language and the choice of words used. This study aims to analyze and describe the description/ depiction of "Tasks Hati" poetry by Ustadz Jefri Al Buchori. The image is an arrangement of words that can express sensory experience. The images consist of three parts, including visual images (visions), auditive images (sounds) and tactile images (touch or touch). The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research is a poem of an Ustadz, preacher, and actor who has a special appeal in his writing characteristics. In this poem, there are only 2 images, namely visual images and tactile or tactile images which amount to 7 word vision images, tactile images as many as 8 words. The tactile image is more dominant in this poem which asks the reader to appreciate this poem and the influence of the diction used by Ustadz Jefri Al Buchori is influenced by the religious background.


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