Writing, Project Based, Poetry TextAbstract
Writing activities are an indirect way of communicating by delivering written messages using language in the form of notes. writing is not just ordinary writing that is poured, but many kinds of written works such as writing poetry. Poetry is written work with expressions of feelings, experiences or knowledge that contain elements and linguistic rules. Sometimes there are still many students who are confused in writing poetry because of a lack of interest or knowledge. Therefore, this research was conducted according to the circumstances that occurred by applying a project-based learning model to writing poetry to motivate students to be more active, creative and to take the initiative in writing poetry. This study used descriptive qualitative method. In this study, the subjects were students of class X MIPA 1 at SMAN 1 Gununghalu with a total of 21 students, consisting of 6 male students and 15 female students. The results showed 11 students got high scores, 7 students got sufficient scores, and 3 students got low scores. The results concluded in this study that the use of project-based learning models in class X MIPA 1 students can improve students' skills in writing poetry texts.
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