
  • Serefina Veronika Ketaren Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Emma Martina Br. Pakpahan Universitas Prima Indonesia



The aims of this research are to find out the types and meaning of metaphor in poetry in English textbook entitled “Pathway to Englishâ€. The main data of this research are 9 poetry in the English textbook entitled “The Seasonsâ€, “The Little Rose Treeâ€, “Alpine Glowâ€, “From Alcuinâ€, “A Man Young and Old: Human Dignityâ€, “Love and Friendshipâ€, “Mountainâ€, “My Starâ€, and “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloudâ€. In this research the researcher applied descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. The researcher used theory of Parera to classify the types of metaphor and also used the metaphor identification procedure proposed by Pragglejaz to identify the metaphors contained in the poetry. The result showed that there are 22 lines that used metaphor, which 16 lines are anthropomorphic metaphor, 3 lines are synesthetic metaphor, 2 lines are metaphor abstract to concrete and 1 line is animal metaphor. The meaning of all these poetry is about life. By using metaphor the poet can also express their feelings to the reader to understand the implicit message contained in the poetry through the depiction or comparison made by the poet.


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