The Effect of Exploration Approach on Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Disposition


  • Imas Suwartini IKIP Siliwangi
  • Utari Sumarmo
  • Asep Kustiana



mathematical creative thinking ability, mathematical disposition, exploration approach


This article reported the findings of an experiment having a goal to enchance students’ mathematical creative thinking ability (MCTA) and disposition (MD) by using exploration approach (EA). Subjects of this  research were 60 seventh grade students which selected puposively  from 5 classes in a Yunior High School in Garut. The instruments of this research were test of an essay MCTA test, and a MD scale, The research found that the grades of MCTA of students getting treatment with EA were higher than the grades of students taught by scienctific approach (SA), however there was no different grades on student’s MD.  Beside that, stdudents in both classess still realized some difficulties on solving MCTA tasks, and there was moderate association between student’s MCTA and student’s MD

Keyword: mathematical creative thinking ability, mathematical disposition, exploration approach


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