Analysis of The Characteristics of emotional Experience in MOOC Learning


  • Yimin Ning Guangxi Normal University China
  • Ying Zhou Guangxi Normal University China
  • Anchen Cai Guangxi Normal University China
  • Cheng Zhang Guangxi Normal University China



MOOC Learning, Learning experience, Emotional experience


With the rapid development of massive open online courses (MOOCs), researchers have begun to pay attention to the experience of teachers and students in the MOOC classroom. Select the middle school mathematics curriculum standard and textbook research course in the MOOC platform of Chinese universities and collect 66 selfreported data of instantaneous experience and long-term experience of 10 learners on the course learning within two weeks. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out in 8 sub-dimensions, including device usage preferences and problems, and platform tool application. The purpose of the research is to investigate the learning experience of MOOC learning platform more comprehensively and deeply. The research results show that mobile learning has become the main way of MOOC learning. The appearance, education and economy of the tools displayed on the platform directly affect the learning experience of learners. Demonstration tools are highly dependent, but the frequency of application, types and functions of tools are limited, and there is a lack of awareness and application of tools that promote advanced learning, deep learning, and reflective learning; the overall emotional experience of learners is in a positive emotional state and shows a distinct group characteristic. The learning experience of MOOC is directly related to the appearance, education and economy of the display tools in the platform; Learners have diverse experience of platform communication and cooperation tools, and are highly dependent on learning content display tools in the platform; Learners' emotional experience is both positive and negative, but it is dominated by positive emotions and shows distinct group characteristics.

Author Biography

Yimin Ning, Guangxi Normal University China

Department of mathematics and statistics


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