Analisis hubungan motivasi belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa pada materi koordinat kartesius


  • Azkia Mudrikah Al Mawaddah IKIP Siliwangi
  • Luvy Sylviana Zhanty IKIP Siliwangi
  • Indah Puspita Sari IKIP Siliwangi



Learning motivation, Learning achievement, Cartesian coordinat


Learning achievement is influenced by several factors, one of which is student motivation. This research was located in one of the junior high schools in Cimahi City, the purpose of this study is to ascertain whether there is a significant connection between student achievement in mathematics, particularly the Cartesian coordinate material, and learning motivation. This study utilizes a quantitative strategy with correlation analysis. The examining procedure utilized was purposive sampling. The subjects of this study were class VIII students with a total sample of 29 students. This study used test instruments in the form of daily test questions and non-tests in the form of learning motivation questionnaires. Information on learning motivation was gathered through a learning motivation poll while gaining accomplishment information was taken from the consequences of day to day tests at the school. The data were then analyzed using the Pearson correlation test. The results of data processing obtained Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.00 <0.05 which indicates that there is a correlation between motivation and student achievement value Pearson Correlation is 0.630, which shows that there is a positive and strong relationship between learning motivation and students' mathematics learning achievement in Cartesian coordinate material.


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