Analisis epistimologi obstacle siswa SMK pada materi fungsi komposisi


  • Jihan Purnama Indah IKIP Siliwangi
  • Gida Kadarisma IKIP Siliwangi



Epistimologi Obstacle, Composition function


This study aims to analyze the epistemological obstacles of vocational students in the composition function material. This study was motivated by the number of students who had difficulty in learning the composition function material. This research method is a qualitative descriptive method with the subject of class XI TKJ 2 SMK TI Garuda Nusantara with a total of 20 people. Tests in the form of material descriptions, assignments of tasks and interview instructions function as a tool. The results and discussions of this study indicate that epistemological barriers to students in the field of material composition function are sourced from students' limitations in solving routine questions. When students are given unusual questions, in the form of stories, students experience learning difficulties and often cannot solve problems. Students usually ask questions that are simple or easy to make it difficult for them to overcome the problem of the story. Students must be asked about problem solving so that they are accustomed to and have no difficulty asking questions in the form of stories


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