Penerapan model problem based learning berbantuan media pembelajaran audio visual terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis peserta didik
Problem Based Learnig, Audio visual media, Creative thinking abilityAbstract
The low ability for students to think creatively mathematically is behind the research so that a learning model is needed in overcoming it. The goal of the study is to find out the Problem Based Learning model with the help of audio-visual media that is applied whether it affects the ability to think creatively mathematically in students. Research with the use of experimental quantitative methods. The study population was grade VIII students in MTs. Purposive sampling was used for sampling. The sample from the study there were 49 students of grade VIII, 2 classes were obtained, consisting of experimental classes, applied PBL models with the help of audio-visual media, while in the control class, PBL models were not applied with the help of audio-visual models. Data analysis was processed using the t-test with normality test and homogeneity tests. The results of data testing state normally distributed data with homogeneous variance. The result of the t-test states rejected. In the words, the experimental class’s average grade differs from the control class’s. The outcomes of the study stated that the use of PBL with audio-visual media can have an impact on student’s capacity to think creatively mathematically.
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